

上海摩登亲子新地标——Maggie & Rose南丰城俱乐部盛大开业!
2021-06-01 19:48:53 来源: 浏览:294

2021年6月1日国际儿童节当日上午,Maggie & Rose上海虹桥南丰城俱乐部隆重开业!这是麦琪萝丝在全球第9家、中国大陆第4家、上海第2家俱乐部。自瑞虹天地月亮湾之后, Maggie & Rose选择布局虹桥国际枢纽板块,在摩登都市的核心区域打造专属于孩子们的成长乐园。

On the 1st of June 2021, Maggie & Rose The Place Club officially opened! This is Maggie & Rose's ninth club in the world, fourth in the Chinese mainland and second club to open up in Shanghai. Maggie & Rose landed in Shanghai earlier this year with the Hall of the Moon Club and since then has expanded to Hongqiao. We are looking forward to inviting Shanghai’s families to make more memories with the brand at the newest, ultimate family destination in the city. 


Maggie & Rose麦琪萝丝亲子家庭俱乐部深受全球巨星们喜爱,凯拉奈特利、陈小春、梁咏琪、陈豪……等众多明星均选择了Maggie & Rose作为陪伴孩子亲子时光的“家外之家”。刘嘉玲女士近日在参观上海瑞虹天地月亮湾俱乐部时,对俱乐部的空间设计、课程设置和管理团队表示高度的认可和赞赏。

Maggie & Rose Family Members’ Clubs are a place for families to go to spend time together, as well as being a spot loved by many well-known faces. These extra special guests including  Kiera Knightley, Chen Xiaochun, Liang Yongqi, Chen Hao, are all fans of visiting our clubs to spend the best of family together time. 

We’re so lucky at Maggie & Rose to be loved by these families and special celebrities (did you know that Carina Lau, the Hong Kong star, is a big fan and recently visited our Moon Club? She really believes in our ethos of spending time together as a family!)

素有“浦西亲子地标”的南丰城,辐射大虹桥板块,未来持续为长宁、徐汇、虹桥等的众多高端家庭和国际社区提供领军上海的各种优质教育资源。在刚刚过去的5月16日Maggie & Rose在上海800秀的品牌战略发布会已经在上海的辣妈宝爸圈掀起热议。据统计,Maggie & Rose南丰城俱乐部预约体验客户已爆满,会籍将以限量形式发售。用爱和想象力与您的家庭共建未来,成为亲子教育行业的一道独特的风景线!以上海南丰城俱乐部为新的里程碑,Maggie & Rose未来将为更多中国家庭带来领先的教育理念,倡导和推动高品质亲子陪伴,始终以孩子的健康成长为核心,为他们创造影响一生的美好记忆!

Known as the ‘family landmark of Puxi’, The Place is the go-to destination in Hongqiao. Going forward, it will continue to provide a variety of high-quality education offerings, supporting families and international communities from Changning, Xuhui and Hongqiao. The recent brand preview event on the 16th of May at 800 Show in Jingan, was a fantastic opportunity to have families know more about Maggie & Rose and since then, the brand has been talked about amongst family networks across the city. The new club at The Place is fully booked for taster classes in the coming month and membership is limited. Maggie & Rose invites families to visit the club, build your future with your family, take time together and explore something completely unique when it comes to family lifestyle and learning. Another milestone for the brand, Maggie & Rose continues to bring high-quality learning to more Chinese families, with every intention to positively impact family life, focusing on little ones and their development and encouraging families to make memories together. 


英国驻上海总领事馆副总领事 Andrew McAllister 先生(左一)

中国香港著名女演员 洪欣 女士(右二)

英国驻上海总领事馆,高级贸易投资官 姜赟 先生(右一)

麦琪萝丝亲子家庭俱乐部 大中华区 董事长、总裁 Shirley Jin 女士(左二)

Deputy consul general for the British consulate, Andrew McAllister(first from the left)

Ms Catherine Hung, well known actress from Hong Kong(second from the right)

Senior trade investment officer for education at the British consulate, Benjamin Jiang (first from the right)

Maggie & Rose Chair woman and President for Greater China,Shirley Jin(second from the left)

英国驻上海总领事馆副总领事Andrew McAllister 先生(右二)

中国香港著名女演员 洪欣 女士(右三)

英国驻上海总领事馆,高级贸易投资官 姜赟 先生(左四)

麦琪萝丝亲子家庭俱乐部 大中华区 董事长、总裁 Shirley Jin 女士(右一)

麦琪萝丝亲子家庭俱乐部 大中华区 董事 毛倩 女士(左三)

上海市杨浦区文化和旅游管理事务中心书记  曾惠峰 先生(左一)

芷欧 女士(左二)

Deputy consul general for the British consulate, Andrew McAllister(second from the right)

Ms Catherine Hung, well known actress from Hong Kong(third from the right)

Senior trade investment officer for education at the British consulate, Benjamin Jiang(fourth from the left)

Maggie & Rose Chair woman and President for Greater China,Shirley Jin(first from the right)

Board director for Maggie & Rose greater China, Ms Margaret Mao(third from the left)

Head of tourism for Yangpu district in Shanghai, Mr Zeng huifeng(first from the left)

Ms Zhiou(second from the left)

在此次摩登都市的主题中,Maggie & Rose依然延续了醒狮点睛这个中国传统仪式。邀请来自各相关异业机构、社会名流、演艺明星等重量级嘉宾到场一起将朱砂点在狮子的眼睛上,象征给予生命、蒸蒸日上、麦琪萝丝也将在未来大展宏图、吉祥如意。

With the club opening celebrating the modern cities of London and Shanghai, Maggie & Rose also marked its opening in a more traditional way, with the Chinese ceremony of ‘painting the lion’s eyes’ during the lion dance. The opening party saw guests from the education sector, government,  VIP’s, celebrities and families joining on the day. Painting the lion’s eyes symbolises new life and prosperity, a nod to Maggie & Rose hoping to achieve great things in the future. 


Andrew McAllister 先生

Deputy consul general for the British consulate, Andrew Mcallister

英国驻上海总领事馆副总领事Andrew McAllister先生为Maggie & Rose南丰城俱乐部开业典礼致辞。

Andrew McAllister先生盛赞Maggie & Rose不仅带来了秉承英伦贵族血统的领先教育理念和科学课程设置,更为中英两国文化交流和友谊长青做出了令人称道的贡献。

也正是得益于英国各政府机构的大力支持,Maggie & Rose才如此高效地在杭州和上海迅速完成了4家俱乐部的落地开业,让英国最优质的教育资源从此能福泽渴求卓越教育品质的众多高端家庭。

The Deputy Consul-General of the British Consulate, Andrew McAllister, gave a speech at the opening of Maggie & Rose The Place Club. Mr. Andrew McAllister, Deputy Consul-General for the British Consulate, thanked Maggie & Rose for not only providing families with a space to be together, but also for making outstanding contributions to ties between China and the UK. He also praised the concept of high-quality family time and learning as offered at Maggie & Rose.The British Consulate has helped Maggie & Rose in a multitude of ways here in China, linking the brand with various educational resources and witnessing the opening of all four clubs in the Greater China region. Maggie & Rose hopes to continue working closely with the British Consulate, bringing together east and west and the best of Britain and China.

中国香港著名女演员 洪欣 女士、

麦琪萝丝亲子家庭俱乐部 大中华区 董事长、总裁 Shirley Jin 女士与知名小网红西贡A猫合影

中国香港著名女演员 洪欣 女士

Ms Catherine Hung, well known actress from Hong Kong

香港影视明星 洪欣女士,同时也是一位母亲,作为Maggie & Rose大中华区董事长、总裁Shirley Jin女士的好友,她从多年前就很认可Maggie & Rose的亲子生活方式。此次洪欣女士也莅临Maggie & Rose 上海南丰城俱乐部的开业现场,共同见证孩子们的欢乐时光。

Hong Kong movie star, Catherine Hung, joined on the day, a mum and good friend to Chairwoman and President of Maggie & Rose, Ms. Shirley Jin. She has been a fan of Maggie & Rose's family lifestyle for many years. On this occasion, Ms. Hung was able to join for the opening of Maggie & Rose's The Place Club in Shanghai, witnessing families having fun and time together in the newest outpost. 

麦琪萝丝亲子家庭俱乐部 大中华区 董事长、总裁 Shirley Jin 女士

Maggie & Rose Chairwoman and President for Greater China,Shirley Jin

随后,在Maggie & Rose大中华区董事长、总裁Shirley Jin女士的隆重宣布下,Maggie & Rose麦琪萝丝上海虹桥南丰城俱乐部正式开业!

Following a speech and announcement from Ms. Shirley Jin, Chairwoman and President of Maggie & Rose Greater China, Maggie & Rose The Place Club was declared officially open.

Emily和Lisa,是中国香港Maggie & Rose的会员,听闻上海南丰城俱乐部开业,迫不及待的成为创始会员。


Maggie & Rose此次特地为孩子们打造了一场时髦摩登狂欢派对,让小朋友们能够在属于他们的节日玩的开心。

Maggie & Rose created a trendy and modern opening party for little ones to attend, with a festival-like atmosphere for the whole family to enjoy.


上海是中西文化交汇之处,一直走在中国时尚前沿,英国伦敦是西方摩登都市,是现代时尚潮流的代表。小朋友们在中英时尚文化的交汇融合的互动游戏中,感受最摩登的时尚潮流;在伦敦的英伦风格与上海的海派经典的跨时空时尚碰撞中,体验Maggie & Rose带来的独特魅力。

同时,Maggie & Rose的四位荣誉家庭成员Maggie、Rose、Oscar和Bentley也加入了走秀队伍,带着所有小朋友一起巡游南丰城,将专属麦琪萝丝的儿童节的甜蜜与这座时尚魔力之都的大人小朋友一起分享。

Shanghai is a melting pot of Chinese and Western culture, an international city which has always been at the forefront of Chinese fashion; London is a modern city and one of the most fashionable cities in the world. Little ones learnt about fashion and trends through a variety of activities and games, feeling the magic of Maggie & Rose and learning more about fashion from across the two cities. There was even a mini fashion show for guests to enjoy, with the brand’s four friends, Maggie, Rose, Oscar and Bentley, also joining in the show in and around the club and the mall. 


Maggie & Rose的4位荣誉家庭成员中,Rose将最爱的天马艺术家课程和环保结合,带着小朋友和家长们用麻布袋环保包包,齐心协力用天然环保的颜料与花式装饰共同完成最IN最时尚的潮流环保包包艺术作品。

At the art-inspired activity, one of Maggie & Rose’s four friends, Rose led little ones in her favourite art class, Messy Masters, whilst also promoting the importance of protecting the environment. Families decorated hemp tote bags to create their very own shopper which also helps to save the planet by reducing plastic waste. Using paints and badges, grown-ups and little ones decorated their masterpieces, an environmentally-friendly bag. 



Oscar, the most mischievous, loves a bit of magic! The magic show has become a firm favourite for the brand since opening at Intime City Club in Hangzhou, and once again the magician was invited to the latest opening in Shanghai to entertain the little ones.


听!是Maggie在唱歌。Maggie & Rose在开业现场以音乐节奏互动方式为12月以内的幼龄宝宝提供专属音乐课程体验,Maggie的亲切陪伴让幼龄宝宝们感受音乐的美妙,培养宝宝们的音乐素养,打造未来魔都最闪耀的音乐天团。

Can you hear Maggie singing along? Maggie & Rose provides their very own curriculum of music classes, which are particularly popular with little ones under the age of 12 months, who can learn all about music and rhythm! Maggie’s classes help little ones to feel the beat of the music, improve their musical literacy and become mini musicians right here in Shanghai.


上海作为中西文化的融合地,充满了中西特色美食融合改良之作,如极具时代背景的炸猪排配辣酱油,如深受上海阿婆爷叔和上海小囡囡喜爱的罗宋汤……这次的开业典礼上,我们举办了水果串串&三明治DIY活动,带小朋友们了解中西方文化饮食差异,体验Maggie & Rose的魔都健康生活方式。


A fusion of Chinese and Western cultures, Shanghai is full of Chinese and Western dishes to try, have you ever tried the much loved pork chops with spicy soy sauce? At the opening party, little foodies got cooking, making fruit sticks and ‘Club sandwiches’, as they learnt about the differences between Chinese and Western cuisine, and how to lead a healthy lifestyle, the Maggie & Rose way. Did you spot Bentley waiting patiently for some food in the cooking school? 



Maggie & Rose麦琪萝丝上海虹桥南丰城俱乐部沿袭了英国乡村风格的设计理念,复古精致的英伦建筑风格,优雅的英式田园风格,细腻统一的色调、华丽而低调的图案、充满田园风情的绿植点缀,身处其中,仿佛置身17世纪末的英式乡村田园。

低矮的英式小房子、历史斑驳的红砖墙、长廊蔓延的藤蔓植物、俱乐部满载着故事感的灯、钟、甚至部分摆件,都保留了英式乡村建筑本来的原貌,浓浓的英国风情,小朋友们足不出户,就能感受到英式传统韵味。Maggie & Rose麦琪萝丝上海虹桥南丰城俱乐部在摩登都市中透出一丝丝怀旧,一点点活泼,营造出静谧又放松的空间,让小朋友对英国乡村拥有无限畅想。

Maggie & Rose The Place Club has been designed in keeping with the signature British-inspired Maggie & Rose style, with vintage elements, a British countryside cosy feel, natural understated colours and patterns and full of greenery. Guests felt like they were transported to a warm, British home in the countryside, amidst an English garden.

The club is full of British charm, with red brick walls, greenery in every corner and lights, clocks and ornaments imported from the UK to give the spaces a signature British feel, with each item telling its own story. Little ones feel like they’re in the UK without having to step outside of the city! Maggie & Rose The Place Club is a little corner of nostalgia and family life in a busy, modern city, creating a quiet and relaxing space for little ones to expand their imaginations and get creative.


Maggie & Rose现在正式登陆



Maggie & Rose中英融合早教课程以英国早期教育EYFS 体系为基石,结合中国《儿童学习与发展指南》,整合并融入国际IB课程体系的教育理念。经过长达15年的研发与积淀,基于“玩中学”的教育理念与体验式的教学方法,通过多元化的活动内容,旨在帮助孩子在社会交往、情感、语言、数学、科学、音乐能力等方面得到发展与提高。5大课程涵盖:天马艺术家、⼩⼩⾳乐家、中华小当家、梦想制造家、绘本旅行家。

Our early years’ curriculum is based on the British Early Years’ Foundation Stage (EYFS), combined with China's ‘Guide to Children's Learning and Development’, and takes inspiration from the international IB system. After 15 years of experience in developing our curriculum, through our ethos of ‘learning through play’ and other teaching methods, we work to boost little ones’ social skills, emotional expression, language skills, maths, science, music and more. 


Messy Masters Art  

For 18 months- 6 year olds


With an ever-changing array of fun and interesting topics, inspired by world culture, animals, numbers, art, history, the seasons, and society, we’ve created one of our favourite classes, Messy Masters! In this art class, we cater to the different needs of each little one, to encourage their own individuality and creativity, at their own pace. This class can help little ones in their ability to perceive, express themselves and understand their own abilities, through their artistic creations, as well as vision, touch and sound.


Little Cheflets  For 1-6 year olds


In our Little Cheflets class, we discover the joy of food, with over one hundred different dishes covered over the course of the curriculum, including both Chinese and Western dishes. Little ones will start to understand the world around them, experience different social customs and cultures, broaden their horizons. Through creative, hands-on cooking activities, we encourage our little cheflets to gain a wider understanding of the global world, learn table manners, respect for food and to know more about where our food comes from.


Mini Musicians  For 0-4 year olds


In our Mini Musicians class, little ones will learn about musical styles and instruments from all around the world and gain an appreciation for different melodies and rhythms. As they get musical, they’ll learn to listen, identify voices, learn to play different instruments, and will begin to use music creatively to express themselves. Music will encourage little ones to get creative, boosting their independence and sense of discovery, and building self-confidence.

梦想制造家 —适合2-6岁宝贝

Make & Make Believe

For 2-6 year olds


Bring little ones’ dreams to life in our signature Make & Make Believe class, as we explore our imaginations! In this class, little ones can be anything they like, as our activities develop 'perception' through play, essential for developing empathy and emotional skills.



Bookworm Adventurers

For 2-6 year olds


Choose from a variety of story books as we go on an adventure! We split this class up according to a little ones age and encourage them to interact with storybooks, through games, developing motor skills and reading and writing ability.



Our tasty dishes use quality ingredients, making our restaurant a real hit with our members, mini and grown-up! Our menus draw inspiration from all over the world, with each dish carefully laid out for our families to enjoy. 



All of our playspaces are made using wood flown in from Scotland, and are completely natural, and designed and made in the UK. With soft, grass-like flooring, we’ve been careful to make our spaces perfect for little ones of all ages, so they can get busy playing and enjoying our energy-busting play areas. 



Maggie & Rose has been putting on parties for our families for over a decade; we are expert party planners, dealing with everything from the planning to hosting on the day! Let little ones party dreams come true! We’ve got bubbles, and themes inspired by everything from fairy tales and knights, to princesses and pirates, to celebrate those special moments. We’ve become a hit with so many families, including Chen Xiaochun's son Jasper and Liang Qi's daughter Sofia!


未来Maggie & Rose将在继续探索家庭和亲子的产业布局,将品牌文化深入每一个孩子的心中,为更多的中国家长带来的高质量教育理念。并关注家庭生活产生的积极影响,始终以孩子为核心,为他们创造持续一生的美好记忆。


We know that many of you have been interested in our new clubs and can’t wait to join our family. Now jump the queue and become one of our first Founding Members at our  new club, and you’ll get a whole host of super-cool benefits for being the first to join us!



Register during the opening period and enter the lucky draw to win a party voucher worth 4880RMB. Please consult The Place Club team for more details.

伦敦 · 香港 · 上海 · 杭州

London · Hong Kong · Shanghai · Hangzhou 


Xiaoshan Club


Level 2, Highlong Plaza, Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

TEL: 86(0)571 82259597




Room 301 and 303, building 5, 380 Fengtan Road, Gongshu, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

TEL: 86 (0)571 87075097

Tags:源自 伦敦 摩登 英伦 范的 Maggie Rose 落地 上海 古北 丰城 发布者:小军
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