西安欧亚学院信息工程学院,一直以前瞻的眼光和不断创新的科研精神,走在科技的前沿。近日,Azeem博士发表了两篇突破性的SCI论文,标志着我们在科研领域取得了重大的进步! Our School of Information Engineering has published its first two SCI-ranked Q1 and Q2 journal papers. 这两篇论文分别发表于中科院1区和2区期刊,这是对Azeem博士及其团队辛勤工作的最好肯定。
他们的研究主要关注计算机和制造工程领域,尤其是在新材料的发现及其在制造计算机及最新电子设备方面的应用。这些电子设备将用于制造人工智能机器人,对于推动人工智能领域的发展具有重大意义。 Recently, the first 2 SCI journal papers ranked as Q1 and Q2, respectively, by the Chinese Academy of Science have been published by Dr. Azeem from the School of Information Engineering, Xi'an Eurasia University. They are significantly related to computer and manufacturing engineering. Both articles focused on the discovery of new materials and their applications in the manufacturing of computers and the latest electronic devices used for the manufacturing of artificial intelligence robots. 这项研究得到了西安欧亚学院信息工程学院的资助,对于教师和年轻学生来说,这将为他们的研究项目提供更好的平台。 该成果也得益于我校“人才工程”战略,通过人才引进提升学校的科研实力、推动学科发展、人才培养、增强国际视野、促进合作与交流。 The School of Information Engineering, Xi'an Eurasia University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, provided the research funding. The research will be very fruitful to guide the teachers and young students for their research projects. These top-ranked research articles benefit the Chinese engineering industry and Shaanxi Government programs to promote engineering research. They are in line with the future research vision of Eurasia University. 这是信息工程学院外教引入取得的重大成果,我们对Azeem博士表示衷心的感谢,感谢他发表了这一杰出的研究成果,为分院营造了良好的科研氛围,推动了整个分院科研工作的发展。 This is the first major national milestone achieved by the School of Information Engineering by a foreign faculty member. We express our heartiest gratitude to Dr. Azeem for his extraordinary research articles. Moreover, writing good-quality research papers with limited research facilities and funding is challenging for us as we are a private university. Azeem博士简介:
Azeem博士是西安欧亚学院信息工程学院的副教授,中外合作办学项目专职教师。 他拥有三年国际化教学经验,四年中国航天科技集团公司的研究和设计经验。 2015年 获得了北京航空航天大学硕士学位。 2023年 获得了西北工业大学博士学位,被授予西北工业大学2018届“优秀博士毕业生”称号。 Dr. Muhammad Azeem Aslam, an Associate Professor and a research supervisor for students of computer science and engineering at the School of Information Engineering, Xi'an Eurasia University, has completed his Ph.D. from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian, China and master's degree from Beihang University, Beijing in engineering. He was awarded an excellent Ph.D. graduate of the 2018 batch at Northwestern Polytechnical University, China. He has three years of international university teaching experience and four years of research and design experience in China Aerospace Science and Technology Cooperation. Azeem博士在JCR Q1和Q2期刊,IEEE和中国科学院顶级期刊上发表了多篇论文。他目前引领着信息工程学院核心研究团队,并获得欧亚学院优秀研究奖。他还担任不同JCR顶级期刊的审稿人,其中包括Elsevier, Springer和IEEE期刊。Azeem博士致力于通过高质量的研究项目,一流的出版物以及与世界各地国际知名研究人员的合作来改善欧亚学院的研究文化。
Dr. Azeem has published several papers in JCR Q1 and Q2 journals, IEEE, and China Academy of Science's top-ranked Journals. He is currently leading the Core Research Team of the School of Information Engineering and has been awarded an excellent research award by Eurasia University. He also works as a reviewer for different JCR top-ranked journals, including Elsevier, Springer, and IEEE journals. Dr. Azeem strives to improve the research culture at Eurasia University via quality research projects, top-ranked publications, and collaborations with internationally renowned researchers worldwide to contribute internationally to Chinese research and design capabilities. 在此,我们衷心祝愿Azeem博士在未来的项目和研究工作中取得更大的成功,并希望他继续为欧亚学院以及整个中国的科研领域带来更多的贡献。 We wish Dr. Azeem the best of luck for his ongoing projects and research work, and we hope he will keep doing great work for Eurasia University and China.