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Alar airport pass acceptance test 2月28日至3月3日,由新疆民航管理局、阿拉尔市政府部门、设计、建设等单位组成的行业验收委员会,对中铁二十一局集团电务电化公司阿新疆阿拉尔民用机场各工程项目进行检查验收。 截至3月3日,中铁二十一局集团电务电化公司阿拉尔机场项目顺利通过验收委员会7个专业组的行业验收。 作为中铁二十一局集团电务电化公司的重点项目,阿拉尔机场项目在公司全体的大力支持下,高标准,严要求,对施工质量严格把关,力图按要求实现交付目标,得到了民航管理局及当地政府部门等相关方面的高度认可。 From February 28 to March 3, the project of Alaer airport have passed acceptance test on Thursday.China Railway(CRCC) 21st Bureau Group Electrical Engineering Co.Ltd. is responsible for the related facility as well as the Joint Acceptance Committee includes CAAC Xinjiang Regional Administration and local government. Until March 3,this project went through 7 speciality field tests successfully. The project will follow the passengers and staff spread around the Country to show the construction qualification and the constructor spirit and quality control plays a vital role in this project, said Yang , the chief engineer of CRCC 21st Bureau Group Electrical Engineering Co.Ltd.